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Now you can play SHARKOSAURUS RAMPAGE online in your web browser for free at

There is a secret underground laboratory hidden in the middle of the California's Redwoods. Mad scientists are trying to clone a killer monster combining shark's and dinosaurs DNA. You as a Sharkosaurus has to escape the secret lab and fight the security service working for science corporation. Fight armored vehicles, military cars, jet-pack dudes, tanks, helicopters, ATVs, monster trucks, jet planes and even a huge dragon monster. Smash the cars, eat enemies and destroy the lab equipment to stop the corporation from DNA fraud activities. Eat ammo-boxes to be equipped with a super laser gun. Use various kinds of mechanisms to activate doors, elevators and stairs. Do you have enough courage to escape, or you stay in the specimen container waiting for the next DNA test? If you chose to fight, good luck!
Sharkosaurus Rampage is an action platform game where you're a powerful lab experiment on the run. Some mad people are cloning killer monsters in their secret underground laboratory. Their latest experiment is a freaky monster made by mixing DNA from a shark and a dinosaur. And you are that monster! So use your strong jaws to break your cage and go on a rampage! Attack the security guards and the lab staff working for the evil corporation, and destroy all of their equipment such as armored vehicles, military cars, jet-pack dudes, tanks, helicopters, quad bikes, monster trucks, jet planes, and even a huge dragon monster. You can also eat ammo-boxes to be equipped with a super laser gun. Do you have the guts, the claws, and the jaws to escape the facility?

Get out of the secret area.





Play SHARKOSAURUS RAMPAGE Online Game. One of many ACTION Games to play online on your web browser for free at adult-puzzles . SHARKOSAURUS RAMPAGE is also a game that be played on a mobile phone, tablet, and computer. Tagged as ALL GAMES, ACTION. Played by 1527 players. Other games you might like are Masha and the Bear Jigsaw Puzzle, POOPIEMAN VOODO, Join Clash Epic Battle, Mario Jigsaw Puzzle Collection, Brick Surfer, Perfect First Date, Shortcut Pro, super mario run race online, Mario World Bros 2, TORNADO.IO, . No download or installation needed to play this free game. Hope this game brings a little joy into your daily life.